Since the start of the demonstrations and civil unrest in Syria, the administration declared a conspiracy against the nation. The claimed conspiracy is aimed at crippling the force of resistance, manifested in the Syrian regime. The Plot involves western, imperialistic powers that are working to destabilize the country in order to ignite a sectarian war, divide the country and re-draw its map.
The country is divided between those who are pro the brutal/vicious response; to the initially undersized civil disobedience, and those who revolted against corruption, social inequality, and the un-fair division of the economic benefits. Syria as a country is now divided; which is what the “conspirators” want.
A weak divided country will help the west control Iran and better secure Israel’s borders. Now that we established the conspiracy is real; let’s try to understand who the conspirators really are. The conspirators are those who sent tanks, heavy artillery, and thugs that have no morals to squash down the uprising. The conspirators are those who let the security forces’ hands free to detain torture and butcher whoever manifests or objects.
A weak divided country will help the west control Iran and better secure Israel’s borders. Now that we established the conspiracy is real; let’s try to understand who the conspirators really are. The conspirators are those who sent tanks, heavy artillery, and thugs that have no morals to squash down the uprising. The conspirators are those who let the security forces’ hands free to detain torture and butcher whoever manifests or objects.
Syria is now divided and the conspiracy is taking effect. The continued aggression will only create more violence, hatred, and deepen the division. The damage that had been inflected on Syria so far is irreversible. The way out is to stop the violent re-action to civil protest, give people the true freedom to assemble and manifest, apply the rule of the law on everyone with no exception.
Stopping the violence and judging those who killed, stole, and violated any law are not impossible things to achieve. However; the strength of character to do the above is missing which will result in dividing Syria just like it did Sudan.
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